Tahitian Open WCS
From 23.04.25 to 27.04.25

Ma'ohi Swing TOWCS

Enjoy international champions top-teaching and increase your west coast swing !


Emeline Rochefeuille & Jakub Jakubek
Torri & Maxime Zzaoui

2 leveled passes and a special offer for international dancers.

NEWCOMER Full pass: For newcomers only

 This pass includes :
  • 4 workshops lead & follow
  • 2 fun competitions
  • 3 party nights
  • 1 saturday night gala + diner cocktail & soft 
  • 1 lazy sunday full day on the lagoon


REGULAR Full pass: For dancers with basics knowledge of WCS

 This pass includes :
  • 6 workshops + 3 hours for challenge yourself
  • 2 fun competitions
  • 3 party nights
  • 1 saturday night gala + diner cocktail & soft 
  • 1 lazy sunday full day on the lagoon 


INTERNATIONAL Full pass: For non-résidents in French Polynesia

 This pass includes :
  • 6 workshops + 3 hours for challenge yourself
  • 2 fun competitions
  • 3 party nights
  • 1 saturday night gala + diner cocktail & soft 
  • 1 lazy sunday full day on the lagoon

WARNING Limited Edition !
Book now with our Early Bird prices available only until december 1st 2024 !

More d'information on our website: www.tahitianopenwcs.com or tahitianopenwcsinfo@gmail.com

Dates & times

  • From 04/23/2025 to 27/27/2025


Inscription stage
REGULAR Full Pass (knowledge of WCS basics) - Early Bird26 000 CFP
NEWCOMER Full Pass (Newcomers only) - Early Bird18 000 CFP
INTERNATIONAL Full Pass - Early Bird24 000 CFP
Frais de gestion spécifique à cet évènement
Paiement en ligne (par billet)100 CFP
Tahitian Open WCS PUNAAUIA